
Community Advisory Boards

We believe community is the #1 moat for Web3 projects. To further support projects we believe can make a difference in the Solana ecosystem, we offer select partners the ability to form a Community Advisory Board (CAB) from within Superteam DAO.

What does the CAB work on? Well, anything you need done! The CAB will be assembled of 3-6 vetted DAO Members with substantial reputation within our DAO. The DAO members will be selected based on what kind of advice you require. Need help with marketing? We’ll put marketing strategists, content makers, and community managers onto the board. Developing a new technical product? We can gather data scientists, Rust developers, and backend engineers to guide you through the project.

Ultimately, the Community Advisory Board is a mechanism to enable other projects to lever our community in whatever way works best for them. If you have ideas, use the form below to reach out.

Weekly Office Hours

The CAB will meet with members of your team on a weekly basis to discuss any ongoing intiatives. These sessions can provide feedback, ideation, or anything else that helps your project grow.

Instant Feedback

Members of the CAB will be available in a dedicated channel for feedback on product features, designs, marketing campaigns, and anything else your team is cooking up.

Value-Add Advisory

Members of the CAB will help on research, marketing, business development, product improvements, and talent acquisition, as needed.

Preferential Access to Superteam

The Community Advisory Board will manage your grant programs, bounties, missions, and recruiting efforts from within the DAO.

🎁 Potential Areas of Collaboration


  • Marketing Strategy
  • Business Development
  • Ecosystem Intros


  • Competitive Research
  • Tooling Research
  • Tokenomics Research

Grant Management

  • Evaluation of grant applications
  • Ongoing mentorship of grantees


  • Product Development
  • Community Engagement
  • Bounty/Mission Ideation


  • Talent Identification
  • Talent Acquisition
  • Interviews and Talent Review


  • DAO Tooling Research/Suggestions
  • DAO Structuring
  • Narrative/Rituals Ideation
Frequently asked questions
What are the fees associated with the CAB?
How large are the community advisory boards?
Have a question that isn't answered here?