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Find Work in Web3

🏎️ Start Earning in Crypto, Today

If you want to see what’s available right now, check out the links below:


Contribute to the Solana ecosystem as a freelancer.


Get equity-free funding for your project or idea.


Join the full-time Web3 workforce.

🤝 Join the Superteam Talent Network

High-growth teams from across Web3 use Superteam Earn to find and connect with top talent. Showcase your proof-of-work and get noticed by top Solana founders when you join the Superteam Talent Network, for free.

To join, simply create a profile on Superteam Earn that highlights what you’re good at and what you’ve worked on before. Founders can then see your profile and reach out directly through the platform. We built Earn simply to connect more talent to more opportunities, and the product is entirely free for both you and for the founders.

Creating a profile takes less than 5 minutes, but could change the trajectory of your career. What are you waiting for?

In case of questions, please write to us at [email protected].