Write an NFT Escrow Tutorial

Write an NFT Escrow Tutorial

Write an NFT escrow tutorial, showcasing how NFTs can own other tokens.

Use https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/token-metadata/nft-escrow

Grant Agreement


The purpose of this grant is to fund qualified individuals to write a technical tutorial article for building on Solana. The purpose of this grant is to produce a high-quality technical tutorial article that will educate readers on how to build on Solana. The article should provide clear and concise instructions on how to use Solana's technology to develop applications, as well as be engaging and accessible to readers with varying levels of technical expertise.

Grant Recipient Eligibility:

To be eligible for this grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience writing technical articles and tutorials for a technical audience.
  • Familiarity with Solana's technology and ability to explain it clearly to others.
  • Ability to write in a clean and professional style that engages readers and is accessible to a wide range of technical expertise.

Grant Deliverables:

The grant recipient will be required to deliver the following:

  • A technical tutorial article on building on Solana that meets the following requirements:
    • Written in a clean and professional style that is accessible to a wide range of technical expertise.
    • A minimum of 2,500 words in length.
    • Includes clear and concise instructions on how to use Solana's technology to develop applications.
    • Includes code snippets, screenshots or other visual aids to supplement the written instructions.
    • Published in a reputable and relevant technical publication or website.
  • A brief report outlining the process of researching and writing the article.
  • All drafts and revisions of the article.
If you are interested in completing this RFP, apply for it at here. If its not visible in the dropdown it may have been already taken. You should receive acceptance or rejection of your application within 72 hours.