Superteam Pizza Fund

Superteam Pizza Fund

📍Take Superteam & Solana IRL in your city!

Get upto $200 USDC to organize a Solana and Superteam adjacent meet-up in your city, as per the guidelines given below.

Superteam now supports Solana Foundation Community Grants program and recommends applicants with the ability to galvanize the community with in-person events for community grants. Community dinners, meet-ups, experiences, weekend hackathons, etc., if you’re doing anything to (a) bring the community closer together, and (b) onboard those on the sidelines into crypto, feel free to apply. Currently, only Superteam members can be hosts but anyone can attend. If this format works, we will drop the host restriction and open it up to anyone in the Superteam ecosystem.


🤝 Events playbook

The meetups are supposed to be a lot fun, but its not all there is to a valuable meet-up. To have a higher chance of success, and to get more from the Pizza Fund down the line, we recommend doing as many of these as possible:

  • Limited attendees: Invite a small group of not more than 8-10 people. Focus on a size and venue that enables everyone to talk to everyone else at least once. A generic web3 meetup isn’t the best fit for this, we’re only looking to support meetups where attendees are:
    • Developers
    • Artists
    • Creators (writers, researchers, Youtubers, etc.)
    • Investors (both Angels and VCs)
  • 🗨️ Primer on crypto: Depending on how much is necessary, you help folks find their way into the Superteam and Solana ecosystem. Make them feel at home!
  • 😎 Merch (optional): Coordinate with the Superteam Global team to get merch — T-shirts, stickers, bags, etc., for attendees to take back as a souvenir.
  • 🍣 Food & Coffee: This is what the bulk of the $ should go towards. Ideally meet over breakfast, brunch, lunch or coffee. Make sure everyone has a good time. An ideal meal is one where (1) everyone can talk to each other, (2) reasonably priced and prudently ordered without wasting food or money.
  • 📥 Invitations: You ideally invite everyone there who is now curious about Solana and Superteam. Once they join you should also act as their buddy & show them around the Discord, Open Projects, Bounties, and Grants, so that they can do their first contribution as early as possible.
  • 🤝 Onboarding: The dinner is an opportunity to invite specific people who you already know have a clear path to valuable contribution to the Solana ecosystem. Ideally, this interaction is a turning point in their career, bringing them onto the Solana ecosystem:
    • Digital artists and community founders,
    • Founders of a crypto projects looking to expand to Solana,
    • Investors looking to invest in crypto projects in India,
    • Developers already considering looking for jobs and gigs in crypto, etc.
  • 📷 Proof of meet-up: You ideally take picture and put them up on your social media of choice with a short caption with your experience, learnings, or thoughts. Tag @SuperteamDAO and we might share it as well!
  • 💬 Follow up group: Everyone who attends, invite them into a private Telegram / Whatsapp group that you’re an admin of. This way you can be in touch, and help make happen more plans that were discussed at dinner!
Note: Getting approved for a grant is in no way to be understood as an endorsement or partnership. Your event will be a community event and in no way should you represent to 3rd parties that it’s a “Superteam event” or in any sense official. For more feel free to get in touch with Neil at @neilshroff on Twitter.
What more do you think we can do together? Apply now!

⚙️ How It Works:

  1. Submit the application form.
  2. Solana Foundation will usually reply within ~72 hours.
  3. If approved, you'll receive confirmation email and the amount in the next payout cycle!

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to apply for event grants?
How fast is "Instant"?
What criteria will the panelists use to evaluate grants?
Will I receive feedback on my proposal if it is rejected?
Have a question that isn't answered here? Write to us at [email protected].