

Event Checklists

Find checklists for each phase of your event below: pre-event preparation, day-of, and post-event follow-up.

Click here to download your own copy to ensure you're organised and on track.


Event: Apply to host your event on River.
POAP: Contact Chris to request a POAP, provided by TipLink.
Photographer: Designate a photographer (a small bounty of 10% of your event budget is available, capped at $50).
Venue: Choose a suitable venue that meets your needs (e.g., screen, WiFi).
Budget: Set and manage your event budget.
Speakers: Invite local ecosystem teams or individuals to speak.
Poster: Print the poster on your River page, which will also enable your guests to check-in themselves and claim their POAP.
Refreshments: Plan and organise refreshments for attendees.
Swag: Arrange for event swag (t-shirts, stickers, etc.).
Promotion: Start promoting your event through social media and community channels.
Coordination: Ensure anybody participating in your event is aligned. If the event is more structured, why not hop on a call?

Day Of Event

Materials: Ensure all materials (posters, swag, slides for talks) are ready.
Communication: Confirm guests are aware of venue, time, and other relevant details.
Venue Preparation: Check that the venue is set up and ready for your event.
Refreshments: Ensure refreshments are prepared and available.
Photographer Briefing: Confirm the designated photographer knows the event schedule and key moments to capture.
Check-in Process: Set up and test the River QR code check-in system.
Event Timeline: Review the event schedule to ensure timely execution.
Stay in touch! Encourage attendees to join your local community group


Reimbursement and Feedback: Complete the reimbursement and feedback form.
Photo and Videos: Send photos and videos to Chris. If there are a lot, please upload them to Google Drive.
Social Media: Share tweets about your event. Tag @SuperteamDAO.
Acknowledgments: Thank anyone who contributed to the event's success.
Review: Think about what went well and areas for improvement.
Future Planning: Start thinking about your next event!