Wormhole India Media xGrants

Wormhole India Media xGrants

💸 Microgrants to create content about Wormhole

Superteam now supports the Wormhole Media xGrants program and recommends applicants with high community reputation scores to the Wormhole Foundation for grants.

This is a grant program specifically meant for creators across levels of expertise, to create content - long-form pieces, explainer videos, tutorials, etc. about the interesting things happening in the Wormhole ecosystem.

👩🏻‍💻 Areas of focus

Create videos, articles, explainers, deep dives, and technical tutorials, etc., to onboard users, builders and projects to Wormhole’s ecosystem.

🗳️ Apply for an xGrant now.

We receive tens of applications every week, and may not have the time to give detailed feedback on every application. Please keep that in mind before you apply.

⚙️ How it works

  1. Submit the application form (won’t take more than 10 minutes!).
  2. Wait for 72 hours to hear back with a decision. In case no approval is received within 72 hours, you can presume that the grant is rejected.
  3. If approved, you'll receive an email notification for onboarding and further steps. 50% of the grant amount will be paid out in the next payout cycle.
  4. As you build, update the Community once a week on your progress, use the community resources, grantees weekly meetings, and talent pool to make your project a reality.
  5. Submit finished work for feedback, review, and distribution, and to receive the pending 50% of the grant amount.

🤝 Guidelines

  1. Be concise & precise: Being clear and concise is always helpful. Bonus points of the application contains well-defined technical details (wherever required).
  2. Build what the ecosystem needs: Beyond our listed areas of focus, if you have any unique insight regarding what what the community’s current needs are, feel free to apply for a grant for that as well.
  3. Feasibility: We’ll prefer if you have some relevant proof of work or if you’ve done any prior work that demonstrates feasibility.
  4. Differentiation: Your application should make it clear how you project is differentiated from other similar projects across relevant ecosystems.
  5. Open source: Any content produced should be free to access and not behind a paywall. And any community activities done written about for others to learn from the effort.

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to apply for an Instagrant?
How fast is "Instant"?
What criteria will the panelists use to evaluate grants?
What conditions apply?
What is the philosophy behind the Instagrants program?
Will I receive feedback on my proposal if it is rejected?
Have a question that isn't answered here? Write to us at [email protected].
Make sure you read and agree to the 🏁Superteam Terms of Engagement before proceeding!